Informatikkaufmann/-frau (Management Assistant in Informatics)
After a period of initial familiarisation with the systems used in the company (both hardware and software), apprentices spend some time in all departments, i.e. from manufacture to despatch, in order to learn what kind of EDP support the various departments require and in order to gain the necessary skillset for their job.
After completing the rotation period, apprentices stay in the EDP department to undergo practical training. In the course of this hands-on instruction period, apprentices gradually take on and accomplish tasks in a self-directed and self-responsible manner, and they are involved in current projects, e.g. introduction of software and/or hardware systems, compilation of data intended to support the various specialist departments e
Next start: 2013
Length of apprenticeship: 3 years
Number of places available: 1 apprenticeship
Interested? Then please send your complete application documents to the following address:
Allit AG Kunststofftechnik
Frau Mayer
Rotlay Mühle
55545 Bad Kreuznach
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